Google Drive

Get access to your customers' Google Drive to sync data with spreadsheets and documents.

Setup Guide

You can create your Google Drive integration app in Google Cloud APIs dashboard.

You'll need the following information to set up your Google Drive App with KollaConnect:

  • Client ID

  • Client Secret

  • Scopes


  • Google account

  1. Open the Google API Console Credentials page. You will be prompted to log in to a Google Account. Log in with your Google account.

  2. Click on Select a Project and choose your project for this integration. If you don't have a project yet, you can create one here. You can name it something like `Drive Connector`

  3. Go to Library section and search for Drive. Enable the Drive API.

  4. Go to OAuth consent screen section.

  5. Choose "External" as the User Type

  6. Fill out the name, logo, and other fields as necessary and click save Note: you are required to have a privacy policy and terms of service to go public

  7. Choose the scopes you will need for your integration. We recommend ./auth/drive.file which is not a sensitive scope since it only allows you to see and manage files that you create.

  8. Add any test users that you will be trying this on first. Any gmail account you have access to will work.

  9. Click Save and Continue

Create Google OAuth Credentials

  1. Go to Credentials section and click Create New Credentials link at the top

  2. Select OAuth Client ID

  3. Choose "Web Application" as the Application Type and name your credentials

  4. Add the KollaConnect redirect URL to the Authorized Redirect URIs section:

  5. Note the ClientID and Client Secret for later use

Last updated